`timescale 1ns / 1ps module main( input clk, output Hsync, output Vsync, output reg [3:0] vgaGreen, output reg [3:0] vgaBlue, output reg [3:0] vgaRed, input Modechanger ); //Declare some counters reg [23:0] clkCounter; reg [10:0] Hcounter; reg [10:0] Vcounter; localparam threshold = 2000000; //25MHz //Clock divider always @ (posedge (clk)) begin if (clkCounter == threshold -1) clkCounter <= 24'b0; else clkCounter <= clkCounter + 1; end //Check and set position always @ (posedge (clk)) begin if (Hcounter < 799) Hcounter <= Hcounter + 1; else begin Hcounter <= 0; if (Vcounter < 524) begin Vcounter <= Vcounter + 1; end else begin Vcounter <= 0; end end end //Draw when in this range assign Hsync = (Hcounter < 96) ? 0:1; assign Vsync = (Vcounter < 2) ? 0:1; //How to draw, and what to draw always @ (Hcounter or Vcounter)begin //if inside drawable zone if (Vcounter >34 && Vcounter < 516) begin if (Hcounter > 143 && Hcounter < 785) begin //Mode 1: Draw a red cross hair line, and green background if(ModeChanger) begin if (Hcounter == 464 || Vcounter == 275) begin vgaGreen = 4'b0000; vgaRed = 4'b1111; vgaBlue = 4'b0000; end else begin vgaGreen = 4'b1111; vgaRed = 4'b0000; vgaBlue = 4'b0000; end end //Mode 2: green screen else vgaGreen = 4'b1111; vgaRed = 4'b0000; vgaBlue = 4'b0000; end end else begin vgaGreen = 4'b0000; vgaRed = 4'b0000; vgaBlue = 4'b0000; end end endmodule I'm trying to draw something to my screen using my FPGA board, this is the code I come up with, I'm new to Verilog and I don't really know why I get the error message "Synth 8-1031 ModeChanger is not declared". ModeChanger is a switch on my FPGA board.<br> My first question is what cause the error?<br> And my second question is will my code work as I expect? (ModeChanger on, draw a cross hair line, otherwise a green screen)<br>The reason I ask this question is because I don't have a VGA cable to test it out.<br>Please help me, thank you so much
TJ wrote: > My first question is what cause the error? Mine is: what part of what toolchain reports that error? TJ wrote: > And my second question is will my code work as I expect? Mine is: what does the simulator say? How does your testbench look like?
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