module validation(test_input); input [15:0]test_input; reg [7:0]test_in; integer k; initial begin k=0; end always@(k) begin test_in[7:0]=test_input[7+k:k];//Range must be bounded by constant expressions. end The code is partial with the same idea. The value of k changes in the original code with maximum k value=7 (not shown here). At each change in k, I need to copy [k+7:k] bits of test_input to test_in. eg: when k=1 test_in[7:0]=test_input[8:1] when k=4 test_in[7:0]=test_input[11:4] ERROR:Range must be bounded by constant expressions. I need to copy 8 bits from 'test_input' to test_in.If variable is not allowed then, what is the solution.
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Please start a new thread for a new question. Add as much information as possible and add a useful question, at least WHAT error you want to get rid off. And: attach Verilog files with *.v extension.
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