There is some wrong in this code, could y help me to fix it, I want to use it immediately.
1 | library IEEE; |
2 | use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; |
3 | use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
4 | |
5 | entity vgacore is |
6 | port
7 | (
8 | rgb: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- red,green,blue colors |
9 | addr: out std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); -- address into video RAM |
10 | data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data from video RAM |
11 | csb: out std_logic; -- video RAM chip enable |
12 | oeb: out std_logic; -- video RAM output enable |
13 | web: out std_logic -- video RAM write enable |
14 | );
15 | end vgacore; |
16 | |
17 | architecture vgacore_arch of vgacore is |
18 | signal vsyncb: std_logic:= '0'; |
19 | signal hsyncb:std_logic:= '0'; |
20 | signal clock: std_logic:= '0'; |
21 | signal reset:std_logic:= '0'; |
22 | signal hcnt: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); -- horizontal pixel counter |
23 | signal vcnt: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- vertical line counter |
24 | signal pixrg: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- byte-wide register for 4 pixels |
25 | signal blank: std_logic; -- video blanking signal |
26 | signal pblank: std_logic; -- pipelined video blanking signal |
27 | begin
28 | |
29 | A: process(clock,reset) |
30 | begin
31 | -- reset asynchronously clears pixel counter
32 | if reset='1' then |
33 | hcnt <= "000000000"; |
34 | -- horiz. pixel counter increments on rising edge of dot clock
35 | elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then |
36 | -- horiz. pixel counter rolls-over after 381 pixels
37 | if hcnt<380 then |
38 | hcnt <= hcnt + 1; |
39 | else
40 | hcnt <= "000000000"; |
41 | end if; |
42 | end if; |
43 | end process; |
44 | |
45 | B: process(hsyncb,reset) |
46 | begin
47 | -- reset asynchronously clears line counter
48 | if reset='1' then |
49 | vcnt <= "0000000000"; |
50 | -- vert. line counter increments after every horiz. line
51 | elsif (hsyncb'event and hsyncb='1') then |
52 | -- vert. line counter rolls-over after 528 lines
53 | if vcnt<527 then |
54 | vcnt <= vcnt + 1; |
55 | else
56 | vcnt <= "0000000000"; |
57 | end if; |
58 | end if; |
59 | end process; |
60 | |
61 | C: process(clock,reset) |
62 | begin
63 | -- reset asynchronously sets horizontal sync to inactive
64 | if reset='1' then |
65 | hsyncb <= '1'; |
66 | -- horizontal sync is recomputed on the rising edge of every dot clock
67 | elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then |
68 | -- horiz. sync is low in this interval to signal start of a new line
69 | if (hcnt>=291 and hcnt<337) then |
70 | hsyncb <= '0'; |
71 | else
72 | hsyncb <= '1'; |
73 | end if; |
74 | end if; |
75 | end process; |
76 | |
77 | D: process(hsyncb,reset) |
78 | begin
79 | -- reset asynchronously sets vertical sync to inactive
80 | if reset='1' then |
81 | vsyncb <= '1'; |
82 | -- vertical sync is recomputed at the end of every line of pixels
83 | elsif (hsyncb'event and hsyncb='1') then |
84 | -- vert. sync is low in this interval to signal start of a new frame
85 | if (vcnt>=490 and vcnt<492) then |
86 | vsyncb <= '0'; |
87 | else
88 | vsyncb <= '1'; |
89 | end if; |
90 | end if; |
91 | end process; |
92 | |
93 | -- blank video outside of visible region: (0,0) -> (255,479)
94 | E: blank <= '1' when (hcnt>=256 or vcnt>=480) else '0'; |
95 | -- store the blanking signal for use in the next pipeline stage
96 | F: process(clock,reset) |
97 | begin
98 | if reset='1' then |
99 | pblank <= '0'; |
100 | elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then |
101 | pblank <= blank; |
102 | end if; |
103 | end process; |
104 | |
105 | -- video RAM control signals
106 | G: |
107 | csb <= '0'; -- enable the RAM |
108 | web <= '1'; -- disable writing to the RAM |
109 | oeb <= blank; -- enable the RAM outputs when video is not blanked |
110 | |
111 | -- The video RAM address is built from the lower 9 bits of the vertical
112 | -- line counter and bits 7-2 of the horizontal pixel counter.
113 | -- Each byte of the RAM contains four 2-bit pixels. As an example,
114 | -- the byte at address ^h1234=^b0001,0010,0011,0100 contains the pixels
115 | -- at (row,col) of (^h048,^hD0),(^h048,^hD1),(^h048,^hD2),(^h048,^hD3).
116 | H: addr <= vcnt(8 downto 0) & hcnt(7 downto 2); |
117 | |
118 | I: process(clock,reset) |
119 | begin
120 | -- clear the pixel register on reset
121 | if reset='1' then |
122 | pixrg <= "00000000"; |
123 | -- pixel clock controls changes in pixel register
124 | elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then |
125 | -- the pixel register is loaded with the contents of the video
126 | -- RAM location when the lower two bits of the horiz. counter
127 | -- are both zero. The active pixel is in the lower two bits
128 | -- of the pixel register. For the next 3 clocks, the pixel
129 | -- register is right-shifted by two bits to bring the other
130 | -- pixels in the register into the active position.
131 | if hcnt(1 downto 0)="00" then |
132 | pixrg <= data; -- load 4 pixels from RAM |
133 | else
134 | pixrg <= "00" & pixrg(7 downto 2); -- right-shift pixel register |
135 | end if; |
136 | end if; |
137 | end process; |
138 | |
139 | -- the color mapper translates each 2-bit pixel into a 6-bit
140 | -- color value. When the video signal is blanked, the color
141 | -- is forced to zero (black).
142 | J: process(clock,reset) |
143 | begin
144 | -- blank the video on reset
145 | if reset='1' then |
146 | rgb <= "000000"; |
147 | -- update the color outputs on every dot clock
148 | elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then |
149 | -- map the pixel to a color if the video is not blanked
150 | if pblank='0' then |
151 | case pixrg(1 downto 0) is |
152 | when "00" => rgb <= "110000"; -- red |
153 | when "01" => rgb <= "001100"; -- green |
154 | when "10" => rgb <= "000011"; -- blue |
155 | when others => rgb <= "111111"; -- white |
156 | end case; |
157 | -- otherwise, output black if the video is blanked
158 | else
159 | rgb <= "000000"; -- black |
160 | end if; |
161 | end if; |
162 | end process; |
163 | |
164 | end vgacore_arch; |
there is some thing wrong ,could you help me to fix it
Edited by Moderator
Did you read this: Rules — please read before posting Post long source code as attachment, not in the text Or that: Formatting options specially the part with "VHDL code" shashaxu wrote: > there is some thing wrong ,could you help me to fix it Do you take your car to repair and tell the mechanic: "There's something wrong! Fix it!" No, because then when you get the car back there may be noted on the bill: "Fixed something!"... Please write WHAT is wrong. And HOW you did find that out. And WHETHER you have a test bench or not.
My VHDL files never ends with TXT. Why does yours? BTW: I merged your two threads into one.
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