sir, I am comopletely new to FPGA. I want to take the output of the FPGA to a text file. Is it possible to store the output of FPGA to a text file??
Where is "the textfile"? A textfile is a imaginary thing. It does not exist really. Its just a interpreted pattern of some voltage levels. So you must clarify: where do you want to store that file? How do you connect this media to your FPGA? What "output" do you want to store? And when that is clear it comes to: size? Data rate? Endurance?
Edited by Moderator
I Just want to take the output which is available on the led to a readable format. I have to take almost 2^64 outputs which are in biary format ie '0' or '1'.
REKHA V P wrote: > the output which is available on the led to a readable format The easiest way: go for a logic analyzer. If that's not an option, then answer the rest of my questions. If it is not clear what I meant, then ask. The most interesting points are: how many outputs and how fast do they change?
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