Dear all,
I am trying to write a state machine that checks to see if correct data
is being received on the SPI link by lighting an LED.
I have written a code but I am not sure if I am writing the state
machine correctly, it definitely does not compile.
Here is the code that I have written in relation to the test bench,
please find the file attached.
1 | library IEEE; -- Reference for VHDL source code
2 | use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; -- Package defined in the IEEE (Found in library IEEE)
3 |
4 | -- Entity declaration
5 | entity spi_statemachine is
6 | generic (n: positive := 16; -- Number of bits
7 | port (-- Master --
8 | di_m: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
9 | wren_m: in std_logic;
10 | -- Slave --
11 | do_s: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
12 | do_valid_s: out std_logic;
13 | -- Clock operation --
14 | rst_i: in std_logic;
15 | clk_i: in std_logic;
16 | -- Output detection --
17 | correct: out std_logic);
18 | end spi_statemachine;
19 |
20 | -- Architecture behaviour
21 | architecture detect of spi_statemachine is
22 | type state_type is (createData, writeData, delay, writeEnable,
23 | checkValid, receivedData, checkFinished); -- Enumeration type
24 | signal state: state_type;
25 | begin
26 | P1: process (clk_i, rst_i) -- Clock and reset
27 | variable dataLength: integer := n; -- Length of data
28 | variable count: integer := 1;
29 | begin
30 | if rst_i = '0' then -- Reset operation used initialize all signals to predetermined state
31 | state <= createData;
32 | elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then -- Signal attribute used to test for a change on a signal
33 | case state is
34 | when createData =>
35 | state <= writeData;
36 | else
37 | state <= createData;
38 | end if;
39 |
40 | when writeData =>
41 | di_m <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(dataLength,n)); -- Write data
42 | state <= delay;
43 |
44 | when delay =>
45 | count := count + 1;
46 | if (count > 1) then
47 | state <= writeEnable;
48 | count := 0;
49 | else
50 | state <= delay;
51 | end if;
52 |
53 | when writeEnable =>
54 | wren_m <= '1';
55 | state <= checkValid;
56 |
57 | when checkValid =>
58 | wren_m <= '0';
59 | state <= receivedData;
60 |
61 | when receivedData =>
62 | if do_s = di_m then
63 | state <= checkFinished;
64 | end if;
65 |
66 | when checkFinished =>
67 | correct <= '1';
68 | when others => null;
69 | end case;
70 | end if;
71 | end process;
72 | end detect;
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Kind regards,