Hi everyone,
I have a DE0_NANO board, i try to use the ADC(ADC128S022) integrated in
the board but i don't understand the sample code of the ADC module given
by terasic.
the code is below :
1 | module ADC_CTRL (
2 | iRST,
3 | iCLK,
4 | iCLK_n,
5 | iGO,
6 | iCH,
7 | oLED,
8 |
9 | oDIN,
10 | oCS_n,
11 | oSCLK,
12 | iDOUT
13 | );
14 |
15 | input iRST;
16 | input iCLK;
17 | input iCLK_n;
18 | input iGO;
19 | input [2:0] iCH;
20 | output [7:0] oLED;
21 |
22 | output oDIN;
23 | output oCS_n;
24 | output oSCLK;
25 | input iDOUT;
26 |
27 | reg data;
28 | reg go_en;
29 | wire [2:0] ch_sel;
30 | reg sclk;
31 | reg [3:0] cont;
32 | reg [3:0] m_cont;
33 | reg [11:0] adc_data;
34 | reg [7:0] led;
35 |
36 | assign oCS_n = ~go_en;
37 | assign oSCLK = (go_en)? iCLK:1;
38 | assign oDIN = data;
39 | assign ch_sel = iCH;
40 | assign oLED = led;
41 |
42 | always@(posedge iGO or negedge iRST)
43 | begin
44 | if(!iRST)
45 | go_en <= 0;
46 | else
47 | begin
48 | if(iGO)
49 | go_en <= 1;
50 | end
51 | end
52 |
53 | always@(posedge iCLK or negedge go_en)
54 | begin
55 | if(!go_en)
56 | cont <= 0;
57 | else
58 | begin
59 | if(iCLK)
60 | cont <= cont + 1;
61 | end
62 | end
63 |
64 | always@(posedge iCLK_n)
65 | begin
66 | if(iCLK_n)
67 | m_cont <= cont;
68 | end
69 |
70 | always@(posedge iCLK_n or negedge go_en)
71 | begin
72 | if(!go_en)
73 | data <= 0;
74 | else
75 | begin
76 | if(iCLK_n)
77 | begin
78 | if (cont == 2)
79 | data <= iCH[2];
80 | else if (cont == 3)
81 | data <= iCH[1];
82 | else if (cont == 4)
83 | data <= iCH[0];
84 | else
85 | data <= 0;
86 | end
87 | end
88 | end
89 |
90 | always@(posedge iCLK or negedge go_en)
91 | begin
92 | if(!go_en)
93 | begin
94 | adc_data <= 0;
95 | led <= 8'h00;
96 | end
97 | else
98 | begin
99 | if(iCLK)
100 | begin
101 | if (m_cont == 4)
102 | adc_data[11] <= iDOUT;
103 | else if (m_cont == 5)
104 | adc_data[10] <= iDOUT;
105 | else if (m_cont == 6)
106 | adc_data[9] <= iDOUT;
107 | else if (m_cont == 7)
108 | adc_data[8] <= iDOUT;
109 | else if (m_cont == 8)
110 | adc_data[7] <= iDOUT;
111 | else if (m_cont == 9)
112 | adc_data[6] <= iDOUT;
113 | else if (m_cont == 10)
114 | adc_data[5] <= iDOUT;
115 | else if (m_cont == 11)
116 | adc_data[4] <= iDOUT;
117 | else if (m_cont == 12)
118 | adc_data[3] <= iDOUT;
119 | else if (m_cont == 13)
120 | adc_data[2] <= iDOUT;
121 | else if (m_cont == 14)
122 | adc_data[1] <= iDOUT;
123 | else if (m_cont == 15)
124 | adc_data[0] <= iDOUT;
125 | else if (m_cont == 1)
126 | led <= adc_data[11:4];
127 | end
128 | end
129 | end
130 |
131 | endmodule
I don't understand why we use two clocks:iCLK,iCLK_n,
These clocks as generated as follows:
1 | altpll_component.bandwidth_type = "AUTO",
2 | altpll_component.clk0_divide_by = 25,
3 | altpll_component.clk0_duty_cycle = 50,
4 | altpll_component.clk0_multiply_by = 1,
5 | altpll_component.clk0_phase_shift = "0",
6 | altpll_component.clk1_divide_by = 25,
7 | altpll_component.clk1_duty_cycle = 50,
8 | altpll_component.clk1_multiply_by = 1,
9 | altpll_component.clk1_phase_shift = "250000",
10 | altpll_component.compensate_clock = "CLK0",
11 | altpll_component.inclk0_input_frequency = 20000,
Can someone highlights me this issue please? it's possible to do it
using one clock ?
Best regards