Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Philips Unbekannter Baustein, bitte um Hilfe

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von gogeta (Gast)

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Hello, i found in the topic 
Beitrag "Unbekannter Baustein, bitte um Hilfe.."

my problem but i can't answer there because of the old date.

I have the same chip and i can tell you the it is a pay per use chip, 
used by philips in order to gain with every patient.
The lamp is mine and i paid it 4K €.
Now the chips are a bit different, but on the lamp also the old ones 
the current name is 2D+ 1002 317B2

any suggestions?

von may (Gast)


von Gerdis (Gast)


may schrieb:

Das ist ein !"NirWay NS 1002"!

Datenblatt über chinesische Seite!

von Gerdis (Gast)


Gerdis schrieb:
> may schrieb:
> This is produced by NirWay!   "NS 1002" - IC
> Datasheed by China!

von gogeta (Gast)


thanks for answers.
do you think I can reprogram this chip  or should I buy a new one?
I do not know if it's better to buy NirWay NS 1002 (and where to find 
it) or this one http: ... //
Can I schedule it for possibly infinite cycles?

von gogeta (Gast)


can you help me finding where i can buy a valid programmer for this 6pin 
1-wire (to usb)?!

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