
Forum: Locked Topics FPGA LED remains on all the time

von Misbah F. (Company: fast) (mis6358)

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I am currently working on SPartan 6 fpga. I am facing a problem since 2 
days that whenever i turn on my fpga an LED -(N!2) turns on and remains 
on all the time. Any solutions?

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von berndl (Guest)

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Misbah Faiz wrote:
> I am currently working on SPartan 6 fpga. I am facing a problem since 2
> days that whenever i turn on my fpga an LED -(N!2) turns on and remains
> on all the time. Any solutions?

Sure, that's easy! Unmount the LED, turn it by 180 degree, and resolder 
it. LED will be off --- Problem solved

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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What berndl says is: WHAT source code in WHAT language on WHAT FPGA with 
WHAT tolchain males this particular problem?

von berndl (Guest)

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Lothar Miller wrote:
> What berndl says is: WHAT source code in WHAT language on WHAT FPGA with
> WHAT tolchain males this particular problem?

oh Lothar, come on! I proposed a 100% solution to the original question, 
didn't I?

von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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You need to provide a LOT more information if you expect any meaningful 
answer to your question.

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