Hello everybody, I need to implement in my PCB design something to make a diagnosis of itself. For example, cheking power supplies, signal frequencies, temp sensors and so on. I would like to ask if some one can give me some adivises to monitroze or check this stuffs. I was thinking to use a CAN BUS or an OTG cable like the in the automotive industry. But I don't know how much complicated can be. If some have another ideas, I would be very grateful to listen to... Note: My board has already a Cyclone IV and one PIC controller: 18F45XX. Thanks.
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If you have JTAG, you can use it to test digital function and interconnection between JTAG-capable parts. Power supplies can be testes by adding analog comparator circuits to check them against each other or a given reference. Depending on whether you need this for a production test or as an integrated diagnostic feature, you may be inclined to think about loopback circuitry that simulates eventa or states that are otherwise external.
hello thank you very much for your quick answer... Yes I want to use the boards to for production testing, so the main thinks that I have to check are power suppiles, clocks and properly workings of ADCs Buffers, etc. i am using a Jtag for programmin the FPGA so maybe I can use it for testing too....But I don´t know exactly how to do it. I will make some researches in internet. Some advise for starting, thank you.
Enrique Perez wrote: > I need to implement in my PCB design something to make a diagnosis of > itself. Hello Enrique, I understand your request in this way that the board iteslf during operation shall diagnose the functionaltity (c.f. the board is tested druing production for functionality). In that case it would be a starting point for you to sit down and check which funtions are required by your board and which are support functions. On the requred functions you should assess what problems may impact the performance of the function, how severe this impact is and how you can diagnose this and what you hould do against it. This is called FMEA (see internet). rgds
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