Hi I bougth the Stm32F0 Discovery to get into microcontrollers. I have only knowlegth about c# and java programming. I followed this tutorial (video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP6TR6NAZTQ) Downlaoding coocox ide and CoFlash installing gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1-20140314-win32.exe (md5) and the usb driver http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258167 ... I can build the programm but I can not load it on the microcontroller. I get always this error: C:\CooCox\CoIDE>"C:/CooCox/CoIDE/bin\coflash.exe" program STM32F051R8 "C:/CooCox/CoIDE/workspace/blinkingLEDs/blinkingLEDs/Debug/bin/blinkingL EDs.elf" --adapter-name=ST-Link --port=SWD --adapter-clk=1000000 --erase=affected --reset=SYSRESETREQ --driver="C:/CooCox/CoIDE/flash/STM32F05xx_64.elf" Error: Connect failed, check config and cable connection Program Download Failed ! I have no cloue what to change. Can anyone give me a hint? Do I Have to know anything else about the st Driver? Thanks in advance
Edited by User
are both jumpers "CN2" for the ST-Link connected ?
There are three jumper connections in place. One for the JP2 and two for St-Link. I did not change anything since I got this board from the manufacturer.
Uwe B. wrote: > are both jumpers "CN2" for the ST-Link connected ? There are three jumper connections in place. One for the JP2 and two for St-Link. I did not change anything since I got this board from the manufacturer.
ok, connect the board with usb and check your device manager in "usb controller" you must have an entry like "STLink dongle" (see picture) if this is ok, donwload the "ST-Link Utility" from ST and try to connect with this tool and readout the Device Information perhaps you have selected the wrong Device
Thank you That solved my problem.
That solved my problem too . Excellent solution .
HI, I am new to stm I am using MB1034B BOARD this error "Connect faild, check config and cable connection" I had tried all possible solution but its still not working pls somebody help
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