
Forum: PCB Design & Technology Convert OrCad386 to Protel99SE or PADS Flow

von Walter (Guest)

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Hi all!
Is there any chance to convert schematics, pcb-layouts and if necessary 
the libraries from the old 32bit orcad386 to a newer program like 
Protel99SE and/or PADS Flow? I own all these programs, and want to 
update my old orcad schematics and layouts. It would be very nice if 
anyone knew an answer!

I did very much research, but i couldn't find any useful information.

Thank you in advance and best regards, Walter

von Reinhard Kern (Guest)

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Walter wrote:
> Is there any chance to convert schematics, pcb-layouts and if necessary
> the libraries from the old 32bit orcad386 to a newer program like
> Protel99SE

Some time ago i have written a software to convert Cadstar PCB to 

1. Protel99 is also totally out of date, as the name implies.

2. My software could convert basic cadstar pcb data, not more, but also 
this is a very complex software, and although it is strictly object 
oriented a migration to orcad or anything else would be very expensive.

3. I did not write a similar software for schematics. I suppose such a 
software is even more complex.

Altium itself has written import software for variuos formats, but i did 
test it and found it totally unusable. The result is so incomplete that 
you need nearly the same time to correct it as you would need for a new 

There are some commercial companies for conversion software or 
conversion on a contract basis, but generally spoken then conversion of 
different CAD formats is a unsolved problem.

sy Reinhard

von Walter (Guest)

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Hi Reinhard!

I know that protel99 is out of date, but i have to do the conversion to 
any newer programm as OrCad DOS (386), because that is much more out of 
date. I want to Open the Schematics on windows without Problems and also 
in the future.

Does anyone knows where i get OrCad 9.2? I just read, that i can convert 
the old OrCad DOS format to a newer one, and this one can be read by 

Thanks for your help reinhard! Its very appreciated!

Best regards, Walter

von Walter (Guest)

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Hi all! i managed to convert all my schematics, pcb-layouts and 
libraries to protel99SE, OrCad 9.2, Altium Manager and Pads-Flow.

But now i have a final problem. I need to convert my schematics to pads 
flow that another person can work with it, and then i have to convert it 

Does anyone of you know whether this is possible?
It would help me very much!

Thanks for your help, mates.

Best regards, Walter

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