
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog How to write this code?

von qr r. (absfrm)

Attached files:

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I'm new to FPGA.
I want to write a code for FPGA,that do this work :

* FPGA generate or received a file (Ex. with 400 MB file size)
* FPGA Split file with size 1MB parts
* FPGA send parts with 20MB/s speed to PC.(it works with FTDI chip)

Look at attachment please.

Thanks before your help.

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von ehhh (Guest)

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Get datasheet of '245 chip.
Read datasheet.
Read datasheet.
Read datasheet.
Learn how to work with FPGAs, and Altera's Cyclone and Quartus software, 
(many books are available) and learn either VHDL or Verilog (if you 
haven't yet).
Read the books, do the excercises.
Read the books, do the excercises.
Read the books, do the excercises.
Write appropriate code and test it/modify it till it works correctly.
Port it to the board and test it/modify it till it works correctly.

Have fun!

von qr r. (absfrm)

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but i have not enough time to learn.this is a so small part of my 

von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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abbas farahmand wrote:
> but i have not enough time to learn.

Do you think someone here is going to do your work for free? Either 
learn how to do it yourself (many people here will be glad to assist 
you, if they see you put in some effort of your own), or pay someone to 
do it.

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