hello, i have a doubt in verilog code.. 1)for a given 32 bit input if any one input is also x then return 1 or else return 0 using functions how do i write a code for this in verilog? please help 2) for a give 8 bit input if it is divisible by 4 then return 1 else 0.. donot use any arithmetic operators, loop statements ,case statements how do i do this using functions in verilog
This is just stupid homework. Generations of students figured it out themself. The invoked process is called "learning"... > 2) for a give 8 bit input if it is divisible by 4 then return 1 else 0.. > donot use any arithmetic operators, loop statements ,case statements So far so good. > how do i do this using functions in verilog This is no special problem with verilog. How would you do it in (e.g.) C? I would do it this way: Write down binary numbers and look for a pattern. Which one is devideable by 4? 000000000 * this one 000000001 000000010 000000011 000000100 * this one 000000101 000000110 000000111 000001000 * this one 000001001 000001010 000001011 000001100 * this one 000001101 000001110 000001111 000010000 * this one 000010001 000010010 000010011 000010100 * this one : and so on 111111000 * this one 111111001 111111010 111111011 111111100 * this one 111111101 111111110 111111111 Do you see the pattern? No? Thats your problem. Just a hint: if the lowest 2 bits are '0' the number is divideable by 4. > 1)for a given 32 bit input if any one input is also x then return 1 or > else return 0 using functions how do i write a code for this in verilog? I'm a VHDL guy, but i would use a loop over the 32 bits and compare each of them with 'x'. If one matches, i would terminate the loop an return 1.
The following is the code..everything is fine but the final value is not loaded into the stc..am attaching the simulation screenshots
1 | `timescale 1ns / 1ps |
2 | module testy; |
3 | |
4 | // Inputs
5 | reg [15:0] a; |
6 | reg reset; |
7 | reg clk; |
8 | reg ah; |
9 | reg high; |
10 | reg enable; |
11 | |
12 | // inouts
13 | wire [3:0] bts; |
14 | //outputs
15 | wire [31:0] stc; |
16 | // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
17 | pract uut0 ( |
18 | .a(a), |
19 | .reset(reset), |
20 | .clk(clk), |
21 | .ah(ah), |
22 | .high(high), |
23 | .enable(enable), |
24 | .bts(bts) |
25 | );
26 | |
27 | initial begin clk =1; high =1; ah =1; end |
28 | always begin #10 clk=~clk; end |
29 | always begin #20 high=~high; end |
30 | always begin #40 ah =~ ah; end |
31 | initial begin |
32 | // Initialize Inputs
33 | a = 16'hfabe; |
34 | reset = 0; |
35 | enable = 1; |
36 | |
37 | // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
38 | #100;
39 | reset =1; |
40 | // Add stimulus here
41 | |
42 | |
43 | end
44 | st uut1( |
45 | .bts(bts), |
46 | .stc(stc) |
47 | );
48 | endmodule
Edited by Moderator
Arjun S. wrote: > The following is the code.. Why the heck did you hijack a 3 year old thread with a completely different topic? > but the final value is not loaded into the stc.. Why should it? I cannot see any assignment to stc.
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