
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools ARM Simulator

von nadeem (Guest)

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i am new in arm programming..
i am confused where to start..
 i want to simulate arm assembly code.. but i dont have any compiler or 
simulator for ARM..i google it but could not find any thing..
 kindly help me ... and sugest a compiler which can complie arm
assembly code and debug ..
i tried keil Uvision but i did not find ARM processor in device 
 plz help....

von Oliver (Guest)

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gcc can compile arm-code, and the distreibution packages include an 
assembler. Look for gnu-arm, WinARM, yagarto, etc.
Simulation is possible with gdb (newer versions), but it does only 
simulate the basic processor, no hardware components.

For a "real" simulation you have to use a real processor and a JTAG 


von Kai S. (zigzeg)

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Oliver wrote:

> For a "real" simulation you have to use a real processor and a JTAG
> interface.

I would disagree. Look for qemu, which can simulate Arm, and also a 
complete system (LCD, HD, Keyboard, Mouse) capable of running even an OS 
like Linux.

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