Hi guys ! I have a school project with DE2 board & Verilog code, and we're going to make something like a sound generating machine. It is kind of JUKE BOX. First of all, I want to make single tone sound, like beep sound. For Example, when I push KEY 1 , DE2 board sounds (like beep!) To make this function, how can I get some information? Any body Help me Plz !
For Altera FPGA take a look at the alteraforum: http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/ you can search for example for "DE2 audio codec" I have the DE1 board. There is a book about these boards: ISBN 9780387726700 take a look inside at google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=gTMkiCUz11AC&dq=Rapid+prototyping+FPGA&hl=de&source=gbs_navlinks_s With the DE1 board comes an example project "SD Card Music Player" "The design uses the Nios II processor to read the music data stored in the SD Card and uses the Wolfson WM8731 audio CODEC to play the music." Maybe you can use that code for the audio codec.
Here is a page using the DEII to make MIDI music and sound synthesis: http://www.96khz.org/cyclone3platform.html The DEII is best for this because it has 16 switches to directly set notes in a sequencer.
U R talking about the DE2-115 with a Cyclone chip? > make something like a sound generating machine. > It is kind of JUKE BOX. > First of all, I want to make single tone sound, like beep sound. Should be a long way to create a juke box by starting with a simple beep sound. Are you familiar with sound processing already? At our university, with have initiated a number of interesting projects, dealing with sound synthesis with FPGAs. You might get inspired here: http://ems.eit.uni-kl.de/index.php?id=113&tx_uniklwehn2_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=273&cHash=838a4296a6a43e68415bef03d91469c2 Another project ist described here: http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~tspanrun/fpgasynth_ausarbeitung.pdf What I like most is this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgOSa4bLtFY A professional description can be found here: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=628683&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D628683
>DE2 board & Verilog code This is an european forum and here, most of the guys work with VHDL. I personally never used Verilog so I cannot help. But I have managed to create a little sound engine myself, it can play chords from a small table instatiated in a BRAM. What you basically need: - a BRAM with the key notes - a transformation table with the frequencies - a state machine which can collect data from those tables and trigger - a sound module which switches on and off the notes The sound engine can be a little pulse width modulation machine, basically a counter which runs up to the programed frequency >At our university, with have initiated a number Sounds nice, what is the purpose of this? Do you do research on sound systems there? What is the FPGA used for? From the website I read, you are having a complete MIDI synthesizer built in VHDL by your students?
Mr Aiko Yuri does not seem to participate anymore - as usual, when people ask for help in forums: Most of them never return. Coming to the question: I have an educational Altera DE-115 and also mangaged to get some noise out of it. Altera offers a complete music station as demo for the board, moreover there are a number of synth projects in the Internet, like WWW.FPGA-SYNTH. - should be a good starting point. I played with tha NIOS type musc engine but found it complicating and area intensive. My question would be who likes to share some code for easy music with DE? Anybody managed to play some mp3s through it?
you may want to have a look at the altera forum. there are some topics how to make sound with this board > I played with tha NIOS type musc engine but found it complicating > and area intensive. The NIOS, or it's program?
> I played with tha NIOS type musc engine but found it complicating > and area intensive. The NIOS, or it's program? both, the NIOS does not require much space, but is not a dedicated Music engine, so the code is complex also it should be a prob to achive enough voices by instatiating just one NIOS, to come to a serious Music application
Can somebody of you please give an example for the size of a NIOS system for signal processing applications like these? It does not need to be music, but this was fine, though. I know about the NIOS itself beeing quiet tiny, but there is more to a signal conditioning system than only the NIOS core. I expect that all finally being much bigger after all, including IO, user interface and processing stages. For audio, I guess one can store total wave forms in the external RAM and use them as samplers. The NIOS should be quick enough, right? Did anybody do this already? I require something like a wave playback tool like that, only a bit higher in range, maybe up to 200kHz frequency. Should the NIOS be able to do this on a common slow FPGA? Next to wave generation, I also need some filtering to modify the waveform and perform a soft fade in and fade out. (the waves control a sensitive mechanical system)
From my knowledge a NIOS circled up to 1E6 times on a Cyclone System with 50MHz, using non real time OS. Depending on the length of your operation loop, some 10kHz-100kHz could be operated regularly. Why do you need a NIOS to press the data? Can't it be done without?
to my mind NIOS is not a good idea to produce sound. if one uses a micro controller, than a real one should be easier to program and to handle soft cores in fgpas are boring and slow anyway. if they have to deal with high speed data processing, they will become inefficient quickly fpgas can perform certain tasks very nice if used the basic way, but for this target, i recommend a dsp system for signal processing
NIOS is not necessary at all. Sound can be produced by simple PWM output controlled by single values. I would first instantiate a CPU if MUSIC MIDI processing is required to controll sound from outside.
Cxu iu el vi bonvolos doni ekzemplon por la grandeco de NIOS sistemo por signali prilaborado aplikoj kiel cxi tiuj? Ĝi ne bezonas esti muziko, sed ĉi tiu estis bona, tamen. Mi scias pri la NIOS mem beeing kvieta eta, sed estas pli por signali kondiĉado sistemo ol nur la NIOS kerno. Mi atendus ke ĉiuj fine estante multe pli granda post ĉiuj, inkludante IO, uzula interfaco kaj prilaborado etapoj.Por sondosieroj, mi supozas oni povas stoki tutan ondo formoj en la ekstera memoro RAM kaj uzi ilin kiel samplers. La NIOS devus rapidu sufiĉas, ĉu ne? Did iu faru tion jam? Apud skuu generacion, mi ankaŭ bezonas iujn filtrilojn por modifi la ondformo kaj realigi mola fade en kaj fade out. (La ondoj kontroli sentema mekanika sistemo)
what language is this? I consider wrting in english to get an answer
Michel wrote: > At our university, with have initiated a number of interesting projects, > dealing with sound synthesis with FPGAs. You might get inspired here: I am bachelor of electronics and intend to start to study at KIT. Would you consider analog or digital music design as an essential subject or necessary or helpful during studies? The standard operation plan does not show any of the mentioned projects so far, but I would be very interested in both learning VHDL and music development.
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