Hi FPGA experts i need a help in processing an image.....plz find the attachment of the image it is having white and black lines...here i have to count those white lines only exactly(17)....in which algorithm i can process it.....already i processed the image using sobel edge detection using verilog but i didnt get exact edge detected image...so that i cant able to proceed furthur....so some one plz guide me in which way i can implenment this in FPGA....
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It's easy to develop an algorithm that returns "17" for this picture; the easiest would be one that returns a constant. If you want to develop something that returns the number of lines for other pictures as well, first you need to look at more samples or have some other information about how these pictures will look: are the lines always straight and exactly horizontal? Does the number of lines vary between 15 and 20, or between 1 and 100? And so on. Just an idea: 1. average over a few values in x direction (or over the whole length) to get a 1-dimensional vector 2. subtract the mean value (2.5. apply median filter if necessary) 3. count the number of zero crossings
> Hi FPGA experts i need a help in processing an image.. This isn't a particular problem for an FPGA expert, but one for a signal processing guy. Try to ask them for a solution for your problem. http://embdev.net/forum/digital-signal-processing And when you have a working algorithm you can step back to the FPGA part.
my project is image processing using fpga. m go to use altera DE-2 kit for it. plz tell me wether it is convineint or not. how can we read an image from pc, send the vhdl code also....plzzzz help....
hello, am praveen vanaparthy studying mtech 2nd year. now am doing my project on image enhancement using fpga, for this i want to use vertex-2-pro kit. how can we read an image from pc/memory card, send the verilog code also....plzzzz help.... am created .txt file using matlab, but i didnt get how to write code in verilog using this .txt file. and my doubt is about interfacing part( ie how to interface fpga with display, memory device). please help me
Andreas Schwarz wrote: > 3. count the number of zero crossings ...and divide by 2, as you'll get two crossings per thread. This approach can be a starting point, if your picture(s) look always the same (i.e the threads are always in horizontal direction. However, the approach needs to be more sophisticated, if you intend to make out missing threads, snapping threads or similar. Some exception handling may be necessary, if thread(s) at top and bottom are not completely within the picture.
Hi FPGA experts!!!! Im doing a validation of my project "Multiprecision floating point unit using a dsp application".I wanted ur help in what image processing i can do which involves floating point in it.I found out on net that image inversion can be done but im unable to take the txt file converted into floating point format.So plz help me.
SONALI B S wrote: > So plz help me. Start an NEW thread for a NEW question, please. Add as much information as possible. Post that text file or a part of it. Tell, what your actual problem is with that text file. Tell what HDL and toolchain you use. With the information you told up to now no one will able to help you in any way.
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