
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools Undefined reference error (yagarto/msys/gcc)

von superbird70 (Guest)

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Hi!  I have been trying to compile a file, but I keep getting error 
messages similar to the one below, complaining about undefined 
references to things like _read, _close, _lseek, etc...

How do I fix this?

/../../../../newlib-1.18.0//newlib/libc/reent/lseekr.c:58:  undefined 
reference to '_lseek'

von Martin T. (mthomas) (Moderator)

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superbird70 wrote:
>...complaining about undefined
> references to things like _read, _close, _lseek, etc...
FAQ. Read the newlib's manual 
(ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/newlib/libc.pdf), section System Calls, 
check source-files called syscalls.c (or similar) for examples from 
Yagarto or other sources.

von Kenan Ö. (gladio)

Attached files:

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Did you already solved it?

I think those functions are not provided so what you have to do is to 
implement it. I had the same errors. I will attach my file which you can 

von Hans M. (hereiam)

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I trid to use you file but I get some errors.

Every from you as avoid warning marked line I get error messages.

For example:

Assiment to itself file = file

I use C not C++. Could this be a reason and how can I fix this in C?

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