Rolf Magnus wrote:
> Do you actually need the pointers? If all arrays are the same size, you
> can also make it an array of arrays and save the pointers.
That's true. I have another array similar to this one, but the strings
are different sizes, so I sort of copied and pasted and modified. But
good point.
> Btw: Why unsigned char? There is no such thing as signedness for
> characters, so if those are strings, the element type should be char.
The only answer I can give is because I'm a novice :)
I've occasionally wondered about this but just kept going as long as it
worked and I had no warnings. After initially shunning C, I decided to
teach it to myself and have learned the hard way. I was one of those in
college who said "I don't want to do any programming". Now I use all of
it for hobbies and none for my real job.