
Forum: Analog Circuits speaker 4ohm 8 ohm maken?

von Erin (Company: avaq) (avaqsemi)

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I have 4 pioneer300 watt car speakers that I want to use on a regular 
(240 volt) surround amplifier instead of a car radio.

But on that amplifier it says on a bright red sticker: speakers NOT LESS 
THAN 8ohm.

Is there a trick to make a 4 ohm speaker 8 ohm?
By putting something in between like a coil or something like that?

I've heard about it but never had to look into it.

In a box, these speakers have a great sound, which is why I want to use 

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von Peter D. (peda)

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Erin schrieb:
> Is there a trick to make a 4 ohm speaker 8 ohm?

Simple put two 4Ω speaker in series.

von Gunnar F. (gufi36)

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or to use 2:1 transformer

von Stefan F. (Guest)

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Peter D. schrieb:
>> Is there a trick to make a 4 ohm speaker 8 ohm?
> Simple put two 4Ω speaker in series.

But that redudes the power by 50% and has an effect on the sound 

Anyway: this is better than having no sound at all.

von Michael B. (laberkopp)

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Stefan F. schrieb:
> But that redudes the power by 50% and has an effect on the sound
> quality.

Not if the 8 ohms only amplifier has 600W per channel, than the voltage 
is sufficiently high to drive 2 speakers in series.

But considering 300W Pioneer, these are for sure speakers that can only 
handle 30Wrms maximum. So even a poor audio amplifier will have enough 
driving capabilty.

von Stefan F. (Guest)

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Yes, it's surely worth a try.

von Εrnst B. (ernst)

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Michael B. schrieb:
> But considering 300W Pioneer, these are for sure speakers that can only
> handle 30Wrms maximum.

Checking Pioneer Speakers advertised with 300W randomly:
Might even be 40 Watts.

>> ... mit einer Nennbelastbarkeit von 40 Watt ist maximal mit bis zu 300 Watt 
belastbar ...

Michael B. schrieb:
> drive 2 speakers in series.

He has a surround amp, so he probably wants to use 4 channels for his 4 
speakers. If stereo is enough, then yes, that's what I'd try as well.

von Joachim B. (jar)

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Erin schrieb:
> I want

i want often so much, but never get it all. Life can be hard sometimes.
Better you want more easy thinks.

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