
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Turn Signal Relay

von Lernend B. (Company: KUKE Electronics CO., Limited) (lernend05)

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I have a question, I have a 78 gmc tiltwheel pickup, its been shall we 
say, upgraded to what ever fits the owner at the time, its rusty, but I 
had everything working well, Then the blower motor seized up, so I 
installed a new one, and it would not work, I had to hot wire it from 
the fuse box, and then found out the turn signals wont work, I checked 
bulbs, and wires, and put in a new switch, and still, they dont work, I 
have power going into the switch, and the 4 ways work, and running 
lights, and brake lights, but no power coming out of the switch, for 
turn signals?, I tried 3 different flashers as well, Ground? bulb?. why 
would both heater fan, and signals stop together? I have read the blog 
about the turn signal relay.
But I am still confused...
Is  there anyone can help me? Many thanks.

von matzetronics (Guest)

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Lernend B. wrote:
> I have read the blog
> about the turn signal relay.
That probably won't help much for your old car. I suspect an overload 
problem when either the old or the new blower motor drawed current and 
the fuse box became overloaded. You should probably dismount it and 
examine it on the backside. Chances are that a contact or a wire has 
gone awry and doesn't supply flasher and blower circuits. That could 
well be before the current even flows through the fuses.
Old wires tend to become stiff and their insulation may disintegrate 
when moved, so be careful.

Measuring voltage on the fuses may help to pin down the area where 
voltage disappears.
And keep in mind that the old fuses themselves might have contact 
problems. Pulling them and reinserting might help here, and cleaning 
contacts might do, too.
A few drops of WD40 will not do any harm.

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