
Forum: PCB Design & Technology Any fab can do pcb track space within 5/5 mil

von Arkus B. (Company: electronic lab) (arkusbruce001)

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We have a pcb design with track space less than 5/5mil.
And i was told many fab can not make it,it will take long time to change 
Anyone have recommendation of fab who can produce it?

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Arkus B. wrote:
> We have a pcb design with track space less than 5/5mil.
Why the heck? I see plenty of empty space... :-/

> Anyone have recommendation of fab who can produce it?
https://www.multi-circuit-boards.eu/en/index.html -->

https://www.wedirekt.de/en/ -->
In short: almost every up-to-date fab is able to handle those 
structures. But you will have to pay them for.

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von Falk (Guest)

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@Arkus Bruce (Company: electronic lab) (arkusbruce001)

>We have a pcb design with track space less than 5/5mil.


>And i was told many fab can not make it,it will take long time to change

I doubt it, especially in the screenshot shown. I guess you are just too 

Most manufacturer make 6/6 mil desgins using their standard process. 
Smaller track/gap is (much) more expensive.

So your time to fix the design saves Money and provides a good 
opportunity to improve your layout skills.


von Georg (Guest)

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Arkus B. wrote:
> We have a pcb design with track space less than 5/5mil.

This is not the only problem with your design. There are many 
unacceptable Errors even in this small Picture. I would refuse to 
produce such PCBs in any case.


von Falk (Guest)

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Just have look at the lower left corner, there is a window with a LOT of 
error messeages . . .

von Arkus B. (Company: electronic lab) (arkusbruce001)

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Hi Njoy thank you for your suggestion, sound good idea.

i'll make some changes before manufacturing to save money.

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Arkus B. wrote:
> i'll make some changes before manufacturing to save money.
And then run a DRC (design rule check) with real world parameters from a 
manufacturer. When you go out of that DRC with no errors, then you are 
ready for manufacturing.

: Edited by Moderator
von John S. (johnsmith2566)

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I have a Min Track/Spacing 4 / 4mil project produced at PCBGOGO. But the 
price of this line spacing is very expensive. It is recommended to 
modify your PCB design file. This will save you a lot of project costs.

: Edited by User
von Kevin K. (Guest)

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For people, who also try to design with dense routings, the file found 
under the link might be an interesting lecture. Conclusion for one part: 
do not push to the manufacturer's boarders without any need.

von Wühlhase (Guest)

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Look at the and the damed red note...

von Wühlhase (Guest)

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