
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog Recommendations on big and small FPGA boards?

von Timothy M. (Company: Binghamton University (SUNY)) (theosib)

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I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on FPGA 
prototyping/project boards.  I have some use-or-lose money so these 
don't have to be cheap.  Future-proofing is more of a priority.  However 
I may want to get more than a few boards.  There are too many out there 
for me to be able to narrow down the choices without some suggestions.

For the large board I want to do work on larger circuits.  (For instance 
scaling up NyuziProcessor to several cores.)  Some desirable features 
- gobs of logic cells, dsp blocks and SRAM
- external DRAM
- PCIe
- video and/or multiple DACs
- some GPIO
- other things so this board is useful for things besides graphics

For the smaller one, I'd like to experiment with control systems.  For 
instance I have some ideas for a quad copter flight control system that 
would be too much for an embedded CPU.  Here I'm going for physically 
small but plenty of logic cells and the appropriate I/Os, although I can 
add extra hardware for powering motors.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you can offer!

von Lars R. (lrs)

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von Andreas B. (Company: www.collion.de) (bergy)

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Hi Timothy,

for a small sized FPGA board you might take a look to my prdoct: 
The board is as tiny as 30*10mm and contains an FPGA with 1280 LUTs, 
64kBit RAM, PLL..., internal clock generator...

The board is using a Lattice MACHXO2.
The MACHXO2 have SPI, I2C and Timer in hardware, so no fabric must be 
used for them. Also the FPGA could be reprogrammed using I2C and SPI 
which makes a ideal companion to uC.

best Regards


von asd (Guest)

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Andreas B. wrote:
> The board is as tiny as 30*10mm and contains an FPGA with 1280 LUTs,
> 64kBit RAM, PLL..., internal clock generator...
> The board is using a Lattice MACHXO2.

Timothy M. wrote:
> For the smaller one, I'd like to experiment with control systems.  For
> instance I have some ideas for a quad copter flight control system that
> would be too much for an embedded CPU.  Here I'm going for physically
> small but plenty of logic cells and the appropriate I/Os

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