Hello, Before i begin i have to say that my english isn't very well. Ok, i'am working on a project in school, with FreeRTOS on a LPC1768 Stick. I downloaded the Demo from FreeRTOS.org and tried to run it on the hardware. By Now i can already execute some demo tasks but not more. (Like switch a LED on and so on..) But now i want to try the webserver: But there i have a problem. I call the function xCreateTask(vuIP_Task, ..) but the ethernet ports isn't working at all. I monitor the connection through wireshark but i get no answer. I also changed the priority of the uIP Task. But still it doesnt work. The Debugger enters this function: if( xSchedulerRunning == pdFalse){ if( pxCurrentTCB->uxPriotizy <= uxPriority){ pxCurrentTCB = pxNewTCB; }} So this task(uIP) becomes the currentTask. So i think the task must start but i doesnt. Is there anything special to config? And there is another problem maybe it has to do with this. Because when i click "run" in the debugger and then "stop" it halts in the HardFaultException or anywhere in the TaskScheduler. It think i make basically something wrong, i hope thats enough information for you to help me, but if you need something more i will post it as soon as possible. Thanks very much!
Hi Matthias, I had the same problem (tasks not starting, hardfaulterror...). On my system the problem was the heap. It was too small to start all the tasks. You can check if a task is created successfuly by checking the return value of the createTask function. I had the problem, that the error happened when creating the idle task. And the FreeRTOS does not check if the idle task is created properly. So I was on the search for the error for some time :(... Maybe this helps. Ciao Dominik
Hello Dominik, I know this is quite a while ago you write this, but you helped me a lot. I searched two days for the error till I found your solution with the heap... Thanks and have a very nice day!
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