
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Need help: Using an ESP32-C6 to control 5V LED strip via Zigbee

von Charlie B. (charlie_baker)

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Hey everyone!

I want to start a new small project and have quite some questions due to 
ignorance and incompetence with which I hope you could help me out! I 
already did a few small LED lighting projects with Arduinos, but I am 
still quite new to everything, I think. Therefore any advice is very 
much appreciated :-)

I would like to use a DF Robot Beetle ESP32-C6 Mini 
(https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2778.html) to control a white 5V LED 
stripe (like this one: https://amzn.eu/d/fjpVlmg) via Zigbee, so that I 
can integrate it into my Home Assistant (Zigbee2MQTT).

The LED stripe and all the needed electronics will be put behind a 
simple mirror in my bathroom, so everything needs to be very compact. 
The gap between the mirror and the wall is only around 7 mm (0.275 
inches). The mirror is quite large, so rear surface area is plenty.

Furthermore I would like to power the Beetle ESP32-C6 Mini and the LED 
stripe with a single USB-C cable, that will be running from a close-by 
usb plug to the mirror.

So much for the introduction. Here are my questions / problems:

1) The Beetle ESP32-C6 Mini does not seem to have a 5V power out. So do 
you have an idea how I could practically fork the 5V power from the 
Beetle ESP32-C6 Mini's USB-C socket to the LED strip? I will only use 
some small pieces of the LED stripe, because the light should be quite 
dim, since it will only be used at night. As a result very few power 
will be needed.

2) Regarding the PWM dimming of the LED strip: I still have some IRL 
3705N MOSFETs 
lying around from my past projects. Back then I used them for dimming 
some white 12V LED strips. The PWM signal came from an Arduino UNO, 
which means that it was 5V. Now my question: do you think these MOSFETs 
would also work fine with the 3.3V PWM signal of the Beetle ESP32-C6 
Mini and the 5V LED stripe? If not, do you have recommendations for a 
better fitting MOSFET?

3) Since it's been a while since I last built a PWM dimming circuit: do 
I need any further electronic components than one high-ohmic resistor 
(like 10k) at the gate of the MOSFET?

That should be all for now. Many thanks in advance for your support!!

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