
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog ADT7420 Sensor

von Yavuz (yavuzox)

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Hello to all forum members,

I have a question for ADT7420 sensor. I will use ADT7420 sensor on my 
Nexys 4 board and i found an i2c vhdl component. But my question is when 
I look at to datasheet I saw "The ADC resolution, by default, is set to 
13 bits
(0.0625°C). " this line. When I research about this the temperature that 
measured with this ic users multiply 13 bit data with 0.0625. My 
question is what is ADC resolution and why we need this ?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Good days to all.

Page 1 - The paragraph

"The ADT7420 is a high accuracy digital temperature sensor
offering breakthrough performance over a wide industrial
range, housed in a 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP package. It contains an
internal band gap reference, a temperature sensor, and a 16-bit
ADC to monitor and digitize the temperature to 0.0078°C
resolution. The ADC resolution, by default, is set to 13 bits
(0.0625°C). The ADC resolution is a user programmable mode
that can be changed through the serial interface."

datasheet: https://fevaris.com/storage/datasheets/3730/3730.pdf

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