
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics NEC Surround AV-Receiver 850

von Bernd K. (bk-tech)

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I need a uC for the Funktion for my Surround Amp.
See the Pictures!

von Horst H. (linuxer)

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Hello, look at the goggle or ebay with "UPD75104CW"

best regards

von Jens G. (jensig)

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This is a mask programmable µC µPD75104CW, with ROM/program number 041. 
So you need to look for exactly this, if it should be able to work in 
your amp.

von Horst H. (linuxer)

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The same chip is installed in an NEC AV-350,
which you can get relatively cheaply second-hand on the Internet.
For example in Germany


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