Hey, I'm making a binary ordering. I have two questions: 1. Is there any way that I can make this code simpler? 2. Can I make this code concurrent or sequential using the functions I already write on top? Thanks, ;D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- package MY_PACKAGE is function portaand(SIGNAL A , B: in bit) return bit; function portaor(SIGNAL A , B: in bit) return bit; END MY_PACKAGE; --------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE BODY MY_PACKAGE is FUNCTION portaand (SIGNAL A, B: bit ) RETURN bit IS BEGIN RETURN A AND B; END portaand; FUNCTION portaor (SIGNAL A, B: bit ) RETURN bit IS BEGIN RETURN A OR B; END portaor; END MY_PACKAGE; -------------------------------------------------------------------- use work.MY_PACKAGE.all; -------------------------------------------------------------------- entity ORDENADORBINARIO is PORT ( n4, n3,n2,n1,n0 : IN bit; y4,y3,y2,y1,y0 : OUT bit ); end ORDENADORBINARIO; architecture Behavioral of ORDENADORBINARIO is SIGNAL x0,x1,x2,x3,z0,z1,z2,w0,w1,w2,o0,o1,p0,p1,q0 : bit; begin x0 <= portaand( n4 , n3 ); z0 <= portaor( n4 , n3 ); x1 <= portaand( n2 , z0 ); z1 <= portaor( n2 , z0 ); x2 <= portaand( n1 , z1 ); z2 <= portaor( n1 , z1 ); x3 <= portaand ( z2, n0); w0 <= portaand ( x0, x1) ; o0 <= portaor ( x0, x1) ; w1 <= portaand ( o0, x2) ; o1 <= portaor ( o0, x2) ; w2 <= portaand ( o1 , x3) ; p0 <= portaand (w0 , w1) ; q0 <= portaor( w0,w1); p1 <= portaand ( w2 , q0); y4 <= portaor (n0, z2); y3 <= portaor (o1, x3) ; y2 <= portaor ( w2, q0); y1 <= portaand (p0 , p1 ); y0 <= portaor (p0 , p1); end Behavioral;
there is no need for customized "or" and "and" funktions. In real life everybody would write it somehow this way:
1 | entity ORDENADORBINARIO is |
2 | PORT ( n4, n3,n2,n1,n0 : IN bit; |
3 | y4,y3,y2,y1,y0 : OUT bit ); |
5 | |
6 | architecture Behavioral of ORDENADORBINARIO is |
7 | SIGNAL x0,x1,x2,x3,z0,z1,z2,w0,w1,w2,o0,o1,p0,p1,q0 : bit; |
8 | begin
9 | x0 <= n4 and n3; |
10 | z0 <= n4 or n3; |
11 | x1 <= n2 and z0; |
12 | z1 <= n2 or z0; |
13 | :
14 | :
15 | y4 <= n0 or z2; |
16 | y3 <= o1 or x3; |
17 | y2 <= w2 or q0; |
18 | y1 <= p0 and p1; |
19 | y0 <= p0 or p1; |
20 | |
21 | end Behavioral; |
But much better redable would be to use vectors:
1 | entity ORDENADORBINARIO is |
2 | PORT ( n : IN bit_vector (4 downto 0); |
3 | y : OUT bit_vector (4 downto 0)); |
5 | |
6 | architecture Behavioral of ORDENADORBINARIO is |
7 | begin
8 | y <= "01000" when n = "00000" else |
9 | y <= "01010" when n = "00001" else |
10 | y <= "01100" when n = "00010" else |
11 | y <= "01001" when n = "00011" else |
12 | y <= "01010" when n = "00100" else |
13 | :
14 | :
15 | y <= "11000" when n = "11100" else |
16 | y <= "01100" when n = "11101" else |
17 | y <= "01010" when n = "11110" else |
18 | y <= "01011"; -- n = "11111" |
19 | end Behavioral; |
Litle hint: of course you must insert the correct values for those y <= "?????" assignments.
Edited by Moderator
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