Hi all, I've developed a tool that simulates a given VHDL model with different operation options, by changing some operation parameters. I run this tool using Modelsim (currently I'm using Modelsim 10.4 64 bits) as VHDL simulator. The idea of the tool is to launch vsim in background loading a model, and making it run a Tcl batch that repeatedly: 1. Launches a simulation. 2. Saves the simulation trace to a file (as a list, with "write list" command). 3. Restarts the simulator (with "restart -f" command). I've been using this tool for years in multiple models and in different computers (with 8GB, 16GB and 32GB of RAM). But now I'm experiencing a memory problem when the Tcl macro runs the "restart -f" command: # ** Warning: (vsim-8891) All optimizations are turned off because the -novopt switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run very slowly. If you are using this switch to preserve visibility for Debug or PLI features please see the User's Manual section on Preserving Object Visibility with vopt. # # ** Error: (vsim-3) System call VirtualAlloc() failed. # # El archivo de paginación es demasiado pequeño para completar la operación. (GetLastError() = 1455) # ** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. ***** # # Attempting to allocate 31426072 bytes # # Please check your system for available memory and swap space. # # ** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. ***** # # Attempting to allocate 31426072 bytes # # Please check your system for available memory and swap space. # # ** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. ***** # # Attempting to allocate 31360512 bytes # # Please check your system for available memory and swap space. # # ** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. ***** # # Attempting to allocate 31360512 bytes # # Please check your system for available memory and swap space. # And vsim dies... Note that: * The problem does not occur always (that is, after every simulation), but after a number of simulations (about 400 in a particular computer). * I've monitored the memory usage of the tool, and it doesn't seem to grow dramatically to make vsim die. In fact, I've never oberved to be near of the critical 4GB (it's usually between 1GB and 2GB). I've seen in previous posts in this forum, and also in other forums, that one of the two errors ("** Error: (vsim-3) System call VirtualAlloc() failed" or "** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. *****") do appear during a model simulation, but not together, and not during a simulator restart. Do you have any idea about what can be happening? As I explained above, I've got this error in computers with 8GB, 16GB and 32GB, so I don't think it is a memory problem with the computer. It seems to be a problem with memory management in Modelsim. I'm trying to get a newer QuestaSim version, but meanwhile I'd like to know if this problem is known, and if it has a solution. Regards,
As the problem occurs after a bunch of simulations, I could think of that the write buffers that keep the simulation traces are not actually written or released when a new simulation runs starts. I assume you are on Linux? Could you check how much memory space is reserved for buffers by the system? Not sure if there is a tcl command for flushing the write buffers.
Hi vancouver, Thank you for your quick answer. No, I'm afraid I'm working under Windows 10, and the modelsim version is exactly Modelsim SE-64 10.4. Well, I assume that the "restart -f" command clears all simulation buffers and memory, just keeping the display formats. Maybe I'm wrong, and I should force this clearance with another command? I've never seen so before, and as I mentionned in my first post, the tool has been working for many years with no need for additional buffer o data removal/flushing, or memory management... Regarding checking the memory reservation for buffers, do you mean in the OS (in this case, Windows), or in Modelsim? At most, in Modelsim I could check the memory suage by writing a report... Thanks again,
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