
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Cant' upload sketch to Nano V3.0 + Atmega328 CH340 because programmer is not responding

von Adam (madamadam)

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I'm relatively new to the Arduino world, and after programming some 
stuff on the Arduino Uno, I recently tried to upload the sketch to a 
more minimal board. I chose a non-original Nano V3.0 mit Atmega328 CH340 
and I connected it via USB directly to my macOS computer that runs the 
Arduino IDE v2. Unfortunately, the upload of the sketch didn't succeed 
and I got this error message:

avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00

I have no clue, what's the problem, but maybe it's not possible to 
connect the board directly to the computer? The specs of the board say 
that "an easy connection to a PC could be established with a CH340G-USB 
converter". Do I need such a converter? If yes: why it's not necessary 
for my Arduino Uno boeard?

von Monk (roehrmond)

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von Mario M. (thelonging)

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It looks more like a problem with the boot loader.

von Adam (madamadam)

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Thanks, Mario, your hint solved my problem!

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