I have written a program for the Raspberry Pi to control a pump for a water-bearing stove. The program works fine - but I still need a computer independent safety device. If the Raspberry fails - then it must be ensured that the pump runs in continuous operation to avoid overheating of the boiler. My first approach was - to evaluate a clock signal to be output from the Raspberry. As long as the clock signal comes from the Raspberry - as long as a retriggerable monostable toggle stage is reset again and again. If the clock signal is missing - the pump goes into continuous operation. But if the clock signal remains HIGH - then this idea does not work. One must also evaluate the falling edge of the clock signal and connect it with logic. At the moment I am on the hose - can someone help me?
Hi, I suggest to address the problems from the root, in following priorities: 1 put an overpressure blowoff valve at the output of the boiler. This acts against the fault effect and prevents severe injuries, as the boiler tank cannot explode anymore. 2 put an overtemperature switch in series to the heater element. Consider also using a non-resettable type. This acts against the root cause and also prevents fire. 3 now it is time to think about the additional safety device you're planning. Simple solution is make the toggling signal AC by adding a capacitor in series and a resistor after the cap to GND. Then feed this into the input of a retriggerable monoflop. A simple form of this is the attached circuit. (from https://cpldcpu.wordpress.com/2021/02/27/the-transistorpixel/ ) Higher capacitor values have to be used, and a resistor in series to Q7:collector of a few hundred Ω is advisable. br, mf
PS. A pressure switch of NC type in series with the heater element could also serve as another safety mechanism. But pressure switches could be rather bulky and maybe also expensive...
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