Hello :) I'm a bachelor student in electrical engineering and information technology. Currently, i'm working on my bachelor thesis about the migration of an old In-Circuit-Tester from Rohde & Schwarz (TSA/TSAS) to a new system from SPEA (SPEA 3030 compact). My task is to develop an application that makes the new SPEA system work with the old adapters from the Rohde & Schwarz tester, without modifying the adapters themselves. I've got a basic understanding about the R&S tester, but what i'm lacking is the documentation/more in-depth information about this device. There also seems to be no information on the internet about the tester at all. For the SPEA ICT there's more superficial information on the internet, but there is no pinout/documentation of its inner workings, so that I can fully grasp how it behaves and works. Does anyone have good knowledge/understanding or the documentation about those ICTs? Thank you in advance Actinium
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