Hi! I want to write the code for a serializer which works both on rising
edge and falling edge of the clock. The idea is to write two registers,
one for the even bits and the other one for the odd bits, and then a MUX
which send out the data. Moreover, I have a control signal called LOAD:
when LOAD is high, I want to load the data into the two registers. The
problem is that the even bits are not loaded into the register and I do
not know why because I wrote the same piece of code both for the odd
bits and the even ones. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much! The
code is hereinafter.
1 | module serializer (data_in, send, clk, load, rst, data_out);
2 |
3 | input wire [11:0] data_in;
4 | input wire send, clk, load, rst;
5 |
6 | output reg data_out;
7 |
8 | reg [7:0] temp_data_out_even;
9 | reg [7:0] temp_data_out_odd;
10 |
11 | integer i;
12 | integer j;
13 |
14 | always @ (posedge clk)
15 | begin
16 | if (rst) begin
17 | data_out <= 1'b0;
18 | temp_data_out_odd <= 8'b00000000;
19 | end
20 | else if (load) begin
21 | temp_data_out_odd <= 8'b11000000;
22 | for(i=0; i<6; i=i+1)
23 | temp_data_out_odd[5-i] <= data_in[11-i*2];
24 | end
25 | else if (send) begin
26 | data_out <= temp_data_out_odd[7];
27 | temp_data_out_odd <= {temp_data_out_odd[6:0], 1'b0}; // Shifting phase
28 | end
29 | end
30 |
31 | always @ (negedge clk)
32 | begin
33 | if (rst) begin
34 | data_out <= 1'b0;
35 | temp_data_out_even <= 8'b00000000;
36 | end
37 | else if (load) begin
38 | temp_data_out_even <= 8'b00000000;
39 | for(j=0; j<6; j=j+1)
40 | temp_data_out_even[5-j] <= data_in[10-i*2];
41 | end
42 | else if (send) begin
43 | data_out <= temp_data_out_even[7];
44 | temp_data_out_even <= {temp_data_out_even[6:0], 1'b0}; // Shifting phase
45 | end
46 | end
47 |
48 | endmodule //end module serializer
The testbench is the following
1 | `include "serializer.v"
2 | `timescale 1ns / 1ps
3 |
4 | module serializer_tb();
5 | // Declare inputs as regs and outputs as wires
6 | reg [11:0] data_in;
7 | reg send, clk, load, rst;
8 | wire data_out;
9 | reg [11:0] reg_sipo;
10 | reg check;
11 | integer i;
12 |
13 |
14 | // Initialize all variables
15 | initial begin
16 | clk = 1; // initial value of clock
17 | rst = 1; // initial value of reset
18 | load = 0;
19 | send = 0;
20 | #15 rst = 0; // De-assert the reset
21 |
22 | forever begin
23 | foreach(data_in[j]) data_in[j] = $urandom;
24 | #13 load = 1;
25 | #20 load = 0;
26 | #5 send = 1;
27 | #20 //header
28 | for(i=0; i<12; i=i+1) begin
29 | #5 reg_sipo[11-i] <= data_out;
30 | end
31 | #10 send = 0;
32 | if(reg_sipo == data_in) check = 0;
33 | else check = 1;
34 | end
35 | end
36 |
37 | // Clock generator
38 | always begin
39 | #5 clk = ~clk; // Toggle clock every 5 ns - 100 MHz
40 | end
41 |
42 | // Connect DUT to test bench
43 | serializer U_serializer (data_in, send, clk, load, rst, data_out);
44 |
45 | endmodule