Hello Guys Simple question, yet I cannot find an answer anywhere for it. I even read book chapters on the subject, and still cannot figure it out. So here it is, I can pass a generic value from a tcl script to the top layer in an a certain hierarchy using the "-g" flag when simulating, and then I pass down this generic to the sub-modules within it. However, my problem is this. I am trying to make a generic package file, and I want pass the generics from a tcl script into the package file, Then after this is done, I will instantiate the generic package file in each module and they can all read what was passed to the package instead. So I want this: Genrics in tcl => pass to Generic_PKG => instantiate package in submodules => parametrize all modules. This is my current case: Genrics in tcl => pass to Generic_Top_module => pass down to sub-modules => parametrize all modules. Thanks in advance!
You could let your tcl script generate the pkg itself, i.e. a code generator. If your pkg just contains parameters, this should be quite easy to implement.
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