I am trying to store data which comes from the output of an entity "A" (std_logic_vecotr(7 downto 0 bits). Per data transmission the entity "A" updates it output and may recieve max 64 bytes and store them in Entity "B" for further processing. I store the data through a variable std_logic_vector (511 downto 0) in Entity "B" and then I parse the recieved buffer to an Entity "C". Is it ok if I pass the parsed data to an Entity "C" with an output of lets say std_logic_vector(239 downto 0) or is it better if I just have an output with a std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) and send the required data per clock cycle and store it inside a variable? This is repeated between other entities I have so I dont know if its better to pass all the bytes directly between outputs or have a 1 byte buffer output that is updated between clock cycles. Im not an expert on vhdl so Idk if when I synthesize the code it would be better to use a 1 byte buffer output or send all the data (1-64 bytes) between entitites. Best regards
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