
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog The port [clk_ch1_p_i] doesn't exist in the design

von Yas (Guest)

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I am working on verilog project in lattice diamond. I synthesize and 
compile correctly my code. I write my lpf (constraints file) to place 
pins,but when i try to visualize the pin/port assignment in the 
spreadsheet view ,i get these errors:

ERROR - The port [clk_ch1_p_i] doesn't exist in the design. ERROR - The 
port [d0_ch1_p_i] doesn't exist in the design. ERROR - The port 
[d1_ch1_p_i] doesn't exist in the design.

However these signals exist in my design and are declared in the top 
module. please could someone help me.

von VHDL hotline (Guest)

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Probably these ports are never used or in case they are used, the 
signals that these ports have impact on are never assigned to output 
pins. Then the systhesis throws them away. Have a look in your synthesis 
report to find out.

von vancouver (Guest)

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Are there more errors of this kind or just on these signals?
Is this the toplevel of your design? If not, check whether you 
accidentally tied reset_n_i constantly active somewhere outside the 
module. This would remove some clocked logic from your design and thus 
make clock signal obsolete.
Is the component configured to use single ended clock instead of 
differential one?
And why are all ports declared as inout?

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