Hi everyone, I have designed an IRR filter in fdatool but since I can't export the coefficients as a vector into the workspace, I exported the filter as an object. The problem is that when I open the object, I have 3 arrays stored in it (ScaleValues, States and sosMatrix). Please, could someone exlplain me the difference between each array and, more importantly, how I can extract the filter coefficients from my IRR filter ? Also if you could write down links to official sources/documentation, it would amazing. Please any help would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance. P.S. I am converting my structure to Direct-Form 1since, supposedly, it gives the coefficients for the ideal IRR filter or is, at least, more accurate but I am also not sure about it and if soemone could also explain me what it is exactly, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am using a Lowpass Chebyshev Type II filter for my IIR. Thank you.
I'm not a mathlab user but looking at this https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/sos2tf.html leads me to the assumption that "sos" stands for "second-order section" and is an n x 6 array containing the IIR coefficients.
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