I'm designing a number exchange module, and so far I've been able to
make it display on Seven Segment Display (S-S-D), like if I press 0 it
shows 0... etc. I'm using 2 sets of 4-bits S-S-D (Common Anode).
Now I want to do like:
default states : 0000_0000
Now if I press 1 : 0000_0001
If I press 2 : 0000_0012
Whichever key I press, the display will not erase the already displaying
number, it will shift it to the left...
And when all 8 S-S-D is full of displaying numbers like: 486C_8763, at
this moment, when I press a key enter a number, like 1 it should be like
: 86C8_7631; it should keep shifting to the left.
Here's my attempted code, and only been able to display it on S-S-D, and
display all S-S-D 0000_0000... still not able to do what's been describe
1 | module keydata
2 | (
3 | input clk, //input clk 50MHz
4 | output reg [3:0]keyout=4'b1110, //Default scan value 4bits
5 | input [3:0]keyin, //Keypad receive value
6 | output reg [7:0]SegOut, //Seven Segment Display output
7 | output reg [15:0]scano //Seven Segment Display Scans
8 | );
9 |
10 | integer z1=0,zz=0; //Registers for frequency dividing
11 | reg dclk; //Divided frequency clock
12 | reg [7:0]bcdz; //register for saving keypad's number value
13 | reg [3:0]scan; //scan states
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | always@(posedge clk)
18 | begin
19 |
20 | //---------------------
21 | if(z1==50000) //frequency divider
22 | begin
23 | z1<=0;
24 | scan<={scan[2:0],scan[3]}; //scanning pattern shifting resgister
25 | keyout<={keyout[2:0],keyout[3]};
26 | //keypad column scanning 1110->1101->1011->0111->1110(loop)
27 | end
28 | else
29 | z1<=z1+1;
30 | //---------------------
31 |
32 |
33 | //---------------------
34 | if(zz==10000) //frequency divider for scanning
35 | begin
36 | zz<=0;
37 | dclk<=~dclk;
38 | end
39 | else
40 | zz<=zz+1;
41 | //---------------------
42 | end
43 |
44 | always@(posedge dclk) //Seven Segment Scanning
45 | begin
46 | case(scan)
47 | 0: scano<=scano[3:0];
48 | 1: scano<=scano[7:4];
49 | 2: scano<=scano[11:8];
50 | 3: scano<=scano[15:12];
51 | endcase
52 | end
53 |
54 | always@(posedge dclk) //4x4 Keypad detecting
55 | begin
56 |
57 |
58 | if (keyout==4'b1110) //Detecting which keyout is currently at scanning
59 | begin
60 | if(keyin==4'b0111) //Tell which key it is
61 | begin
62 | bcdz<=4'b1100;//C //the key's value,save by a register
63 | end
64 | else if(keyin==4'b1011)
65 | begin
66 | bcdz<=4'b1101; //D
67 | end
68 | else if(keyin==4'b1101)
69 | begin
70 | bcdz<=4'b1110; //E
71 | end
72 | else if(keyin==4'b1110)
73 | begin
74 | bcdz<=4'b1111;//F
75 | end
76 | end
77 |
78 | else if (keyout==4'b1101) //Using **else if** to differentiate priorities.
79 | begin
80 | if(keyin==4'b0111)
81 | begin
82 | bcdz<=4'b1000; //8
83 | end
84 | else if(keyin==4'b1011)
85 | begin
86 | bcdz<=4'b1001; //9
87 | end
88 | else if(keyin==4'b1101)
89 | begin
90 | bcdz<=4'b1010; //A
91 | end
92 | else if(keyin==4'b1110)
93 | begin
94 | bcdz<=4'b1011; //B
95 | end
96 | end
97 |
98 | else if (keyout==4'b1011) //4 scanning possibilities
99 | begin
100 | if(keyin==4'b0111)
101 | begin
102 | bcdz<=4'b0100; //4
103 | end
104 | else if(keyin==4'b1011)
105 | begin
106 | bcdz<=4'b0101; //5
107 | end
108 | else if(keyin==4'b1101)
109 | begin
110 | bcdz<=4'b0110; //6
111 | end
112 | else if(keyin==4'b1110)
113 | begin
114 | bcdz<=4'b0111; //7
115 | end
116 | end
117 |
118 | else if (keyout==4'b0111)
119 | begin
120 | if(keyin==4'b0111)
121 | begin
122 | bcdz<=4'b0000; //0
123 | end
124 | else if(keyin==4'b1011)
125 | begin
126 | bcdz<=4'b0001; //1
127 | end
128 | else if(keyin==4'b1101)
129 | begin
130 | bcdz<=4'b0010; //2
131 | end
132 | else if(keyin==4'b1110)
133 | begin
134 | bcdz<=4'b0011; //3
135 | end
136 | end
137 | end
138 |
139 | always@(bcdz) //Seven Segment Decoder
140 | begin
141 | case(bcdz)
142 | 0 : SegOut <= 8'hC0;
143 | 1 : SegOut <= 8'hF9;
144 | 2 : SegOut <= 8'hA4;
145 | 3 : SegOut <= 8'hB0;
146 | 4 : SegOut <= 8'h99;
147 | 5 : SegOut <= 8'h92;
148 | 6 : SegOut <= 8'h82;
149 | 7 : SegOut <= 8'hF8;
150 | 8 : SegOut <= 8'h80;
151 | 9 : SegOut <= 8'h98;
152 | 10 : SegOut <= 8'h88;
153 | 11 : SegOut <= 8'h83;
154 | 12 : SegOut <= 8'hC6;
155 | 13 : SegOut <= 8'hA1;
156 | 14 : SegOut <= 8'h86;
157 | 15 : SegOut <= 8'h8E;
158 | default : SegOut <= 8'hFF;
159 | endcase
160 | end
161 | endmodule