
Forum: DSP USB to I2S adapter for audio transceiver

von ilans (Guest)

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Hello, all!

I need an adapter / bridge to connect a MEMS tranceiver to my PC, to 
stream audio data for DSP purposes.

The tranceiver can either send or receive PDM data at up to 3.072mHz 
(based on clock input).

I suppose I need an I2S-USB adapter / bridge, that also comes with a 
driver software, where I can set direction, data and clock rate.

It should be fast and reliable enough to allow real-time DSP analysis on 
the PC.

Can you please recommend such a tool?


von Andreas S. (andreas) (Admin)

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Take a look at XMOS, they have an open source implementation of USB <-> 
I2S/TDM for their chips. There are quite a few boards sold for this 
purpose, e.g.: http://jlsounds.com/i2soverusb_n.html

von derguteweka (Guest)

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Nothing out-of-the-box, but it somehow looks for me like it might be 
doable with some STM32 µC e.g. by combining the Application Notes AN5027 
and AN4711.


von Ainsworth P. (Company: IBM) (penelopeainsworth)

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As per my knowledge,
You need an I2S-USB adapter to connect your MEMS transceiver to your PC 
for streaming audio data ,it help to support PDM data up to 3.072 MHz 
and come with driver software to configure data direction and clock 
rates. Make sure that  this is fast and reliable enough for real-time 
DSP analysis on your PC.

von J. S. (engineer)

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USB to I2S adapters are available in masses. The issue is the processing 
of the PDM. Depending on the application a specific filtering has to be 
applied to provide the most appropriate PCM signal from it to feed I2S. 
I once used a €7,- FPGA to implement a PDM-Filter and I2S decoder for 

In the meanwhile I came out with an S/PDIF output which I read directly 
with a PC. If your soundcard cannot do this, use a $20,- 

If you need the PDM directly in the PC use a DSD-capable Audio 
Soundcard. Practically 3.072M is in fact DSD64-style.

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