Hi, I don't know if this is the right place for the question, if not, please point me to the right direction and close this thread. I've got a big bunch of atmels xmega64a3 soldered onto a custom pcb board. I figured out the io ports of the chip that connect to everything that is controlled by this pcb, this includes some motors and magnets, a wireless module and a costum lcd display that made me lose my mind for the past months. I dug in so deep that I bought an Atmel AT AVR ISP mk2 from amazon, frankensteined it to one of the pcbs and investigated the inventors update mechanism. I've got a Hex File and a copy of the Eeprom, but this is where teaching this stuff myself by googling definetely ends. I basically know what this thing does and how it works. The PCB's are used in some locks mounted to bikes for rent, similar to oBike for example. The company I'm working for bought a really big bunch of old bycicles with these locks. I'm the companies webdev, they put this thing on my table saying 'you are doing something with computers, can't be to hard to reuse this things'. I just need to figure out how they assign the lcd, I want to put my code on these things (I already checked for the lock bit, it's not set) reusing all the periphals except the wireless module. Is there any way I can achieve this and to, I don't know, read how they assigned the lcd display from the code? Once again, I'm sorry, I'm absolutely not into this whole microcontroller thing. I do not know if this is possible at all, but I just don't know where to ask. It's okay if this involves hiring someone who is a real programmer and not just someone who is just googling like me, but I just don't know where to ask. Do you know any company or something offering a service for this? Greetings, rtuz2th
you have to understand avr assembler to modify any firmware...i think you'll loose, but just try it, the free Luna Studio https://avr.myluna.de has a integrated disassembler. just learn programming and write a new firmware good luck!
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