
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics Device for complex mathematical calculations with 15 to 20 variables(inputs)

von PolyToxicFreak (Guest)

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I plan to build an device that can handle up to 15 -20 inputs and use 
them for calculations over 6 steps while the following calculation must 
be based on the prior one + new input it is given. It also has to output 
the result after every calculation. I am a total noob depending 
microcontrollers so I dont know how and where to start. Would be happy 
if someone who is into this stuff could offer a bit of his time so I can 
explain what I want to use it for and what are the points that matter to 
me and then give me a hint to the right direction where I should be 
looking for the information I need to realize that.
Thanks in advance PolyToxic

von dunno.. (Guest)

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What kind of inputs are these? Sensors? Or just data entered by the 

In the latter case, I'd go for an app on a tablet, for example.

von PolyToxicFreak (Guest)

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Data entered by user. I also thought that software would be the easier 
way. Just wanted to know if its possible at all

von Alex G. (Guest)

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Of course it's possible. There were more than 6 calculation steps needed 
to fly to the moon and that worked 49 years ago! ;)

However nowadays doing that on a microcontroler is probably indeed not 
the optimal way.

If you do have a clue about math already, you could look at "Matlab". 
That's a development system with integrated programming language.
It's often used by mathematicians to perform complex computations. Input 
and output are no problem and there are tons of tutorials to learn.
Same counts for the free alternative "GNU octave".

If you directly want to write an application, look at a programming 
language like Python and Java. Those are easy to learn.

Another way could be to use HTML and JavaScript. So the result is 
directly a website (it does not necessarily need a server by the way).

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