Hi. I would like to have information about thermal transfer printers or label printers that can be used with a microcontroller. To which I can send information from a microcontroller. I would also like to know if I can use a common thermal printer to print adhesive labels. I found this https://www.adafruit.com/product/597 but I dont know if it can be used to print thermal label roll. Like this: https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/zebra-direct-thermal-label-roll-100-x-150mm-1000-labels-inz1342215
Well, the adafruit printer only prints on 2.25" inch (57mm) wide thermal rolls while your desired labels are 100mm in width. So the answer is no, adafruit cannot print your labels, even if the technology would be the right one (thermal transfer).
Look for Zebra printers on ebay. Many of them have serial or parallel interfaces, and it is no problem to use a uC to send data to them. The printer command codes are documented, and they can produce barcodes internally. They are not exactly cheap, though. fchk
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