Hi, I perfectly understand that multiple modules help with human interaction (readbility, productivity, code updating..). It is the same as in C++. But in Verilog, is there anything (I mean technically, or the standard) preventing me from having a huge module, with all the contrained IO ports declared as input/ouput, functions and all the always blocks doing their -very different- thing? Are synthesis tools more confortable with multiple small modules vs one big? Should be the same to me. Thanks for your opinion, [Digression On] I finally wrote multiple synthesizable codes and I am happy. I just had to change my mind. And for this, thanks for the help.[Digression Off]
I can't think of any technical reason that would require you to split bigger modules. Also just wanted to add the two of the most important points for smaller design: Testing and reusability. Smaller modules are easier and better testable and then you can combine them in an easier way for bigger blocks. As we build hardware the basic components will often be very similar and you can build standard blocks with a standard set that fits your workflow very easily.
Cle, Thanks for your input. You are right on every point you made. As for the big module, maybe differences will emerge from one synthesizer to another though. Time will tell
Another point is that, when you get down to optimising your design for area/clock period/(insert your metric here), it is a lot easier to get to the root of your problems if your design is modular. Not to mention that synthesising one small module is much faster than the entire design! Getting fast feedback from your synthesis tool is useful for optimisation. Also, as the others said, testability. Testing (verification) is about 2/3rds of the work in getting a design into production, i.e. twice as much as actually writing your RTL. Good luck doing unit testing with one huge module :-)
Keep in mind that while having lots of smaller modules allows you to do easy unit-testing, additional complexity will appear due to the connections. The problem complexity must exist somewhere. If not within the modules, then between them.
synthesis tool does hierarchy removal aka "design flattening", so it's no need to do this by hand. https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/pp_db_xst_synthesis_options.htm
Thanks C.A. ! Lattice does that too with the diamond programmer apparently
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