I am working with FPGA board. For my test, i am going to add the trigger
logic in one side [One PC], and in other side the counter design will be
added in XILIXN VIVADO and should start to give its counter after
receiving the trigger signal.
For every trigger [500ns], the counter should start. To execute this
task, i need the verilog code for Creating the Trigger Signal.
1 | module counter(
2 | input clk,
3 | input reset,
4 | output [127:0] counter_out,
5 | output trig
6 | );
7 |
8 | reg trig=0;
9 | reg [127:0] counter_out=0;
10 | reg [7:0] temp=0;
11 |
12 | always@(posedge clk)
13 | begin
14 | if(~reset)
15 | begin
16 | trig<=0;
17 | counter_out<=0;
18 | end
19 | else
20 | begin
21 | counter_out<=counter_out+1;
22 | temp<=temp+1;
23 | if(temp==25)
24 | begin
25 | temp<=0;
26 | trig<=~trig;
27 | end
28 | end
29 | end
30 | endmodule