Dear Members, I need help with simulating a filter I have designed using the FDA tool of Matlab. I need to read data (hexadecimal format, 10 bit each) from a text file and write the filter output to another file. I am not able to modify the original testbench (generated by FDA tool in Matlab) to implement this. It would much relief for me if anyone could help me on this. The filter .fda file, HDL module and test bench generated by Matlab are uploaded on the google drive link. Thanks in advance.
May you please be more specific in "I am not able to modify the original testbench"? Does it mean - the file is write protected? - you are not aware of text editors? - you don't know the procedure to read in a file in verilog/systemverilog? ($fopen, $fscanf) - this file-read procedure fails at any point? - you already copied the data from this file into filter_in_data_log_force and filter_out_expected, but it doesn't work as intented, as the result is X instead of Y? - there is a problem in including the datafile into matlab? How can we help, if we don't know, at which point you struggle? Please provide us more information.
Thanks EIKo for such an elaborate reply. Actually, I am new to Verilog and I don't know how to use the $fread, $fwrite commands to write a test bench. After much efforts, I have made one (filter_tb2.v). Can you just review it to tell if I have done it correctly? Currently, I am testing it with the attached HEX file (P28hex200.txt)
Basically thats the way to go. The code you provided had some issues. After removing them, it is reading the content of the file, doing something, and writing it to an output file. You find the reworked version attached to the post. The testbench was prooven in modelsim alter 15. The tcl-commands are included in the testbench. You have to check, whether the procedure and timing of applying the data and reading it from the filter is done right. Also you have to proove the filter output.
1 | [...]
2 | initial begin |
3 | // open files, read input Memory
4 | $readmemh("P28hex200.txt", IN_MEM); |
5 | filter_output_file = $fopen("Filter_Output.txt", "w"); |
6 | |
7 | // Initialize Inputs
8 | [...]
9 | |
10 | // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
11 | #100
12 | |
13 | // release reset
14 | [...]
15 | |
16 | // apply data to the filter and read result
17 | for (i = 0; i < 199; i=i+1) begin |
18 | #1
19 | filter_in = IN_MEM[i]; |
20 | #8
21 | $fwrite(filter_output_file, "%h\n" , filter_out); |
22 | #1
23 | $display(" in %u - out %u", filter_in, filter_out); |
24 | end
25 | |
26 | // close file
27 | $fclose(filter_output_file); |
28 | |
29 | // stop simulation
30 | #1 $finish;
31 | [...]
Hey, EIKo thanks so much for such an elaborate answer. Your solution worked out. I have verified the output using matlab as well. So, that's a sigh of relief. I thought it was important to thank you. Moreover, I would like to upload the files that I have used for everyone else.
Glad to hear, that it helped you. Thanks for the feedback!
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