Hello everyone I'am a beginner in veriglog development. I don't understand why a part of my design is skipped when I synthesize my design with Quartus 16. in the RTL viewer I can see all my design, but in the map viewer a part of my design is skipped. I don't have an error or warning during the compilation. I don't use the keyword of simulation like delay or fork. What are the potential causes of this behavior of Quartus 16? I think it can be because I don't load the data correctly into the buffer of the skipped module. thank in advance
All unsed logic is usualy optimized away. If you connect the output of your logic with pins from the chip, then you get the expected results. Duke
Also check if your reset signal is correctly handled. If the logic optimizer detects that reset always will be active (since it is generated in a wrong way), it removes all affected parts of your design since they are useless.
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