I want to design a "fullbuffer" to better handle image operators like
sobel on a fpga. It is designed to be generic, so that the mask height,
mask width (used to define the pixels the local operator is executed
on), the pixel data width and the width of the image (in this case
mask_width + linebuffer_length = image width) can be tuned. I have
attached an image to better demonstrate the functionality (The example
uses a 3x3 mask and therefore 2 linebuffers to cache needed pixels). If
necessary I can describe the functionality in more detail. Unfortunately
there is a bus conflict while writing the "mask_ffs" signal (a 2d array
that is forming the flipflops of the mask) in the for generate loop,
which is instantiating the linebuffers (specificly in the line that
says: "dout => mask_ffs(i+1, 0)" ). I could not detect any mistakes in
my indices, or my coding.
I would be very thankful if you could help me figure out the mistake.
1 | library ieee;
2 | use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 | --use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 |
5 | use work.utils.all;
6 | -- defines constants for generics and type "generic_port_matrix" a 2d array(mask_height-1 downto 0, mask_width-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0) (first the y coord and then the x coord, with 0, 0 in the bottom right corner if you are using the attached image as reference)
7 |
8 | entity fullbuffer is
9 | generic (
10 | linebuffer_length : integer := linebuffer_length;
11 | data_width : integer := data_width;
12 | mask_width : integer := mask_width;
13 | mask_height : integer := mask_height
14 | );
15 | port (
16 | clk : in std_logic;
17 | we : in std_logic;
18 | din : in std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);
19 | dout : out generic_port_matrix
20 | );
21 | end fullbuffer;
22 |
23 |
24 | architecture fullbuffer_arch of fullbuffer is
25 |
26 | signal mask_ffs : generic_port_matrix;
27 |
28 | type generic_vector is array(mask_height-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);
29 | signal mask_out : generic_vector;
30 |
31 | begin
32 |
33 | -- output mask
34 | dout <= mask_ffs;
35 |
36 | -- instantiate the linebuffers
37 | line_generate:
38 | for i in 0 to mask_height-2 generate
39 |
40 | linebuffer: entity work.linebuffer
41 | generic map (
42 | length => linebuffer_length,
43 | data_width => data_width
44 | )
45 | port map (
46 | clk => clk, -- in
47 | we => we, -- in
48 | din => mask_out(i), -- in
49 | dout => mask_ffs(i+1, 0) -- out
50 | );
51 |
52 | end generate line_generate;
53 |
54 |
55 | process (clk)
56 | begin
57 | if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
58 | if (we = '1') then
59 |
60 | -- shift registers of mask
61 | for i in 0 to mask_height-1 loop
62 | for j in 0 to mask_width-2 loop
63 | mask_ffs(i, j+1) <= mask_ffs(i, j);
64 | end loop;
65 |
66 | mask_out(i) <= mask_ffs(i, mask_width-1);
67 | end loop;
68 |
69 | -- input new pixel from sensor
70 | mask_ffs(0, 0) <= din;
71 | end if;
72 | end if;
73 | end process;
74 |
75 | end fullbuffer_arch;