Design algorithmic state machine comprising of controller and datapath implemented in RTL based model, which can find how many times a virus pattern equal to 1011 occurs in a data file (data files are to be uploaded on the group). a) Draw structural block diagram of controller and datapath along with signals. b) Draw ASMD chart of the state machine. c) Give RTL level verilog description of controller (FSM) and datapath. d) Design integrated test bench for the machine and verify your design in simulated mode on provided test data files. e) Verify working of the design on FPGA based development kit in the lab on the given test data files. Example for pattern matching: In pattern matching, a sequence is scanned bit by bit and once a required pattern is found, the scan restarts from the next bit. For example, we have 11011101011 in the data file, the scanning process start from the left, we have 11 at that start (first and second bit) that is different from the virus pattern (1011), since it’s a mismatch, the scan starts form the second bit. Upon restarting the scan from second bit, we have found that the virus pattern exists in the next four bits, so the counter is incremented to one and the scan restarts form sixth bit and this process continues until the end of file. Input phase: Data files that contains large strings of binary sequence; is downloaded, either in the flash or in FPGA memory. Find it by you own that how we do it on FPGA. Output phase: A Reset button (pushbutton BTN0) that resets the value of counter, and a Go button (pushbutton BTN1) that displays the counter value (number of times the virus pattern 1011 exists in a data file) on both seven segment displays (in decimal form) and on 8 LEDs (in binary form). Considering the above example, the seven segment should display 1 as well as the LED should display the binary form of 1. Is this code is valid for part (C) and i have bit stream in data file how i can store this fie in my test bench CoDe VERILOG CODE module bat #(parameter N=1, M=12 ) (input wire a, input wire clk, input wire reset, output wire y, z, output reg [2**M:0] c,c_new ); localparam [1:0] s0 = 2'b00, s1 = 2'b01, s2 = 2'b10, s3 = 2'b11; reg [1:0] state_reg, next_state; reg [N-1:0] b_reg[2**M-1:0]; reg [2**M-1:0] i; //State Register always @ (posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) state_reg <= s0; else state_reg <= next_state; //Next Logic always @ (*) begin case (state_reg) s0 : begin if (b_reg[i]==1) next_state = s1; else b_reg[i] = i+1; next_state =s0; end s1 : begin if(b_reg[i]==0) next_state = s2; else next_state =s0; b_reg[i] = b_reg[i]+1; end s2 : begin if(b_reg[i]==1) next_state = s3; else next_state =s0; b_reg[i] =b_reg[1]+1; end s3 : begin if(b_reg[i]==1) next_state = s0; else b_reg[i] =b_reg[i]+1; next_state =s0; assign c_new = c+1; end default : next_state = s0; endcase end //Output Logic assign y = (state_reg==s3) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // y is for resetting value of counter assign z= c_new; // z is for total counter value endmodule TEST MODULE module t; reg a; reg clk; reg reset; wire y; bat uut ( .a(a), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .y(y)); always begin clk=0; #100; clk=1; #100; end initial begin reset = 0; a = 1; #100; reset = 1; a = 0; #100; end endmodule
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