Hi all I am using BRAM in standalone mode extensively in my Zynq project, and it seems to work in all the various conditions in which I have assumed it to do so. I often use it as a mapping function, using precalculated data loaded from the ARM (my clients are still at the R&D stage and need almost complete flexibility in the design). It can handle interleaving, convolution (encoding only), modulation and most other functions within the system in a manner dynamically configurable from the host processor, while maintaining a throughput equal to the system clock. I'm sure this is very old news to most of you, being a method which, to be considered novel, would require a journey back in time of 150 years or more. It was mooted during the mechanical age of the 19th century, and I believe a Frenchman adopted it as a method of making complex fabric patterns widely available even before then. No doubt someone from Iran or China will be able to inform me of even greater venerability. I have, however, made an assumption about the behaviour of BRAM output data which is undocumented. This is that, if the EN input remains de-asserted, the state of the memory will be frozen, leaving its output and its internals in the state in which it was most recently accessed. In other words, I assume EN to be a clock gate. This is certainly true in the version of BRAM supplied with Vivado 15.4, (which I am coerced into using with the ZC706 EVB), and seems entirely logical. But is, as said, undocumented. The type of structure I am using is arbitrarily pipelined, an address is output to a BRAM, the output of which addresses another BRAM, and so on, until a BRAM at the end of the chain supplies data to the AXI4 stream bus, a requirement being that transmission be stallable in the event the receiving logic de-assert its tready signal. Tready is used as part of the logic of the EN signal of the chain of BRAMs, and my reasoning assumes data to be held at values clocked out in the most recent cycle in which EN was held high. The logic might well be flawed, but, as it stands, I depend on the permanence of BRAM output data when EN is de-asserted. Should I instead gate the clock externally? Best regards Julian
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