Hi, I want to create an automated irrigation system. So i planned to use the Hunter PGV 1" (24VAC) and control the valves with a arduino. First I thought this would be easy to use a relays, SRR or triac to control the 24V AC and turn the power to the valves completely on or off. But then saw 2 different currents in the datasheet (370 mA inrush, 210 mA holding, 50 HZ). So my question is how do I set this 2 currents? Can I use a normal transformer with enough current and the solenoid valve take just this ideal current or would I just smoke these valves? I added my amateur paint schematic of my idea, hope you can help me out. Btw. I want to control 2 seperate valves.
Hi, pls google inrush current and holding current by yourself. A good power supply like mean well have a current limiter. A bad one can be destroyed by current spikes.
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