Hello , I'm new in Micro Controller field and i have been doing some readings (along with some relevant DataSheets) , although i still didn't understand few things . I'm using MSP430F5131 and attached an external crystal of 12.8MHz to pins PJ.4 and PJ.5 . I would like to generate a 1 pulse per second using this external clock while the output of the 1pps should be P2.4 , im also using Timer D (TD0.0) . Could you help me writing the code (I'm using Code Composer Studio) about how to generate that 1 pps using the external crystal and Timer D (TD0.0) and how to define the timer d and external crystal. thanks in advance.
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Start with studying and understanding the Device Clock Tree (which is not trivial in MSP430). Then, get TI´s samples and try to generate at least some output on P2.4. Once you have some output, you can start modifying its frequency. Do you have an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer?
yes i do have one . I tried to figure out the code syntax. they use #pragma function in order to use the clock register vector, although i havn't seen any information about that. where can i find information about these kind of syntax? and where can i find a CCS example code that could help me doing that? could you recommend on a datasheet that can help me figure out the basic of the msp430 along with code syntax? thanks.
If you don't even know the basic C syntax, I'd recommend looking at some tutorials: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP430_LaunchPad_Tutorials
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